
Add an E-mail Account via your Mail Server

To create an email address:

First log into your mail server with the mail server address provided and use your email account credentials to log in.

  1. Go to Mail.

  2. Click Create Email Address.

  3. Type the email name (prefix) you'd like to use next to where it says:  Email Address *

  4. NOTEICE:  If you do not want the new email user to have access to your admin area be sure to UNCHECK "Can be used to login to Plesk ..."

  5. Specify an external email address. It will be used to reset your password if you lose access to your primary email address.

  6. Leave the Mailbox checkbox selected. Clearing this checkbox makes sense only if you want to use this address as a mail forwarder, which will forward all incoming mail to another address.

  7. Specify the mailbox size or use the default size defined by the provider’s policy or your service plan.

  8. Specify a password consisting of five or more Latin characters.

  9. Click OK.

image create email

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